Soprano -Soprano is the smallest of the four ukulele body sizes and is the traditional ukulele size. The Honu Soprano is perfect for kids learning ukulele or for adults who prefer the brighter tone of a traditional ukulele.
Concert -Concert ukuleles are currently the most popular ukulele body size worldwide. Bigger than a soprano but smaller than a tenor, a concert uke is the perfect middle ground for most players. This size is suitable for all ages, though small children may be better suited to a soprano.
Tenor -Tenor ukuleles are exploding in popularity thanks to the full, deep sound produced by their larger body size. Bigger than the concert, the tenor is great for teenagers and adults that are looking for the most volume from their ukulele and extra space for their fingers on the fretboard.
Baritone -As the name suggests, a baritone ukulele is the largest and deepest sounding of all of the ukulele sizes. Usually tuned like the highest four strings of a guitar (DGBE), rather than the GCEA tuning found on most ukes, a baritone is great if you have a background in guitar because you won't have to learn any new chord shapes. They are also very fun if you are a ukulele player looking to experiment with a different tone.